Get your five alchemical healing sessions for free and experience deep transformation!

you are in the right place


If this is YOU then you’re not alone, and yes, a solution is right at your fingertips.

  • You’re passionate about helping others, but face an overwhelming to-do list everyday
  • You’re full of creative ideas, but missing a clear plan to generate consistent business income right now
  • Your marketing efforts are hit-or-miss, and you’re not consistently attracting the right clients who will pay you what you’re worth
  • You’re feeling the stress of up-and-down income cycles but aren’t sure how to get out of this cycle
  • You enjoy challenging yourself, and you are ready to be committed, decisive and make your success happen


All you need is an experienced mentor who will walk you through creating a clear, customized plan that is quick, simple and easy to implement, so that you can attract a steady stream of ideal clients. The results? More clients, increased income, greater free time and a life you love.

Who i am

About Andrea

how can I help you

Work with me

Let’s make magic happen

Treasure Box

"Something truly magical happened.

When Andrea first told me about her Readings, I wasn’t sure how they could help me but I was curious to find out more.

We chose to focus on my work, which is something I already have a strong heart connection with but this process enabled me to connect even more deeply and make exciting new changes! 

Andrea sent me heartfelt guidance on how to create my own dreambook and I dived right in. What a gorgeous experience and Andrea’s reminder to connect with my heart rather than my mind throughout the process of crafting the dreambook was permission to discover the truth deep in my heart and the new directions that needed to emerge. 

During our coaching call, Andrea held a loving space for me and I was amazed to find that new insights and ideas emerged that I hadn’t even been conscious of while she listened. And then something truly magical happened. Andrea reflected back to me the messages she received from my dreambook and I sat with tears pouring down my face because it was like she could see my soul. 

She confirmed to me that I was ready to make big changes and motivated me to make steps. As a direct result of our work together I’ve started running again – a practice that brings much-needed fire energy into my work and I’ve set up the Soul Sanctuary: a series of workshops which I also plan to offer online. I feel much more confident about what I offer and I am now taking steps to transform the ideas from our work together into new services and products for my business. 

Andrea is an incredibly intuitive guide who holds a space for dreams to take flight and become real. She will gently show you what your heart and soul are guiding you to do. I highly recommend her beautiful work if you need clarity, guidance or encouragement to make your dreams come true." Jackie Stewart


I am very happy to connect with you!


Love, Andrea Hiltbrunner



"I highly recommend her beautiful work"

"Andrea is an incredibly intuitive guide who holds a space for dreams to take flight and become real. She will gently show you what your heart and soul are guiding you to do. I highly recommend her beautiful work if you need clarity, guidance or encouragement to make your dreams come true." Jackie Stewart


Imagine someone you are meeting for the first time in your life, and already after first minutes talking to this person, you feel at ease, you feel like you can talk to this person for hours, like each word you say is heard and understood. Andrea is a great listener, she has this incredible talent to see through you, understand your worries, difficulties  and most importantly help you to see where they are coming from and how to deal with them.
She is glowing with so much positive and  peaceful energy, that you instantly get surrounded by it. Andrea helped me on several occasions to reconnect to myself, better understand  my feelings, goals, my energy; she taught me a technique that I am using on everyday basis to clear my energy a press a ‘restart” button, which I always find very helpful. I can highly  recommend Andrea to everyone, she is a gem!"  Anna Roussos, Athens 

"I just love the energy andrea possesses"

" I just love the energy Andrea possesses. She has the biggest and deepest capacity for holding and transforming energy, and to transfer it. I am deeply greatful and filled with reverence. My personal power have increased tremendously after working with Andrea. This is really deep work. Its not about quick-fixes or the ”ego happiness.” Anderas work runs much much deeper than that. I highly recommend all that Andrea has to offer. I trust her with my heart, she have the highest integrity and you will be lead to what you need." Gunilla Å, Sweden